Through Lehigh University’s Comparative and International Education Program, Mrs. Dougherty-Wade will be travelling to Cambodia from November 2nd to November 13th. While there, she will be visiting the Aranh Cuthbert Jr. High School which associated with an organization called Caring for Cambodia. During her trip, this blog will create a communication link between Mrs. Dougherty-Wade and her students at North Schuylkill Jr/Sr High School. At any time, feel free to ask questions or comment on her blog posts.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

5th Period was on the news!

WNEP came to speak with us about my trip to Cambodia and our Pen Pal Exchange.  The full story aired during the 5:30 segment and little blurps appeared during the other news broadcasts.  Check out the little summary on WNEP's website with a great picture of some hardworking 5th period students!